Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/61

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the outlaw.
Duke. Receive it good Amelia;
All my possessions were too poor a recompence
For thy tried service.
Ame. Your highness, I thank you humbly.
One request my gentle mistress made in her last sickness:—
"Bear me," she said, "when dead, unto my father's halls,
That one prized tear may fall upon my corpse.
And hallow it. Oh! bear me to my father!"
I have complied, most faithfully, my lord;
Her saintly form rests in thy tapestried chamber,
Duke. Oh, Heaven! I thank thee for this sad, sad blessing!
My good Amelia, give me thine arm;
Bring me to my child![Exeunt.

SCENE VI.—A small Room in the Ducal Palace.

Helvitio alone,—Enter Amelia.

Hel. How bears my father this said stroke, Amelia?