Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/100

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Beekun Bob.
He warn't no bigger nor nuthin,
An' jest abeout ez slim;
But he hed a sort o' suthin,
Thet made a hero o' him.

An' only a leetle Swede chap,
Nigh ten year ole, I guess;
Whose skanty clo'es an' rimless cap,
Wuz nuthin more ner less

Than rags thet cold winds pierced through
He warn't afeerd o' work,
An' in his faded eyes o' blue,
A look: he'd never shirk.

His dad an' marm wuz miners
In a teown in Michigan:
They warn't no superfiners,
Jest a woman an' a man

Thet worked hard the hull day long
En the vitals of the yearth;
Their lives warn't wuth a penny song;
They never hed no mirth.
