Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/99

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Then darling, as ve know an hour is coming,
Or a day—it may be many years—
When we, as in all Nature summing,
Say, "good-bye, love," low, with falling tears,

Let us prove by every passing hour of living,
That purest love and trust are best, and yet
When mistakes come, be e'en so forgiving,
That death will bring no shadow of regret.

Yes, we all know what it is to
"Stake a hazard on a die
And lose"—that is, most of us do,
And tho' we may not cry
Out, tho hurt is there the same.
And why it is that agony
Should follow, where war with pain
Is common; why, where air's so free,
We should be only potters' clay,
To crumble in some hands at will,
'Tis hard to understand. One day
It may be, "Peace be still."
