Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/102

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Wall, one night—an orful cold 'un,
The winds blowed mighty high—
He tuk his stan' when day wuz done,
With pine sticks, light an' dry.

Night wore on, he never flinched;
His dad an' marm stayed long.
Neow the thin, white face growed pinched—
He warn't so very strong.

An' when the dawn o' raornin' cum,
It foun' "Bob" standin' still,
An' frozen stiff, an' white with foam
His lips,—the night did kill,

The torch into his hands wuz burned,
His eyes stood open wide;
He never left his post, an' earned
A home the tother side.

You see, it happened in this wise:
The mine whar his folks t'iled
Caved in on 'em, up to the eyes;
An' after hours, tho' s'iled,

They wuz released by crowds o' folks.
What do you think they did?
(A lump gits into my throat an' chokes
When I think o' that kid.)
