Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/103

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They didn' think nuthin on it;
Sorry, I reckon, o' course.
They said, with an emphasis 'pon it,
"Dead boy no good to us."

The "docs" at the city hospital,
They tuk his hod y away;
I seed him lying like a gal,
While his poor hands bandaged lay

I don't lay it up agin 'em,
His dad and numn, you kneow;
They meant well, hed a row to stem,—
Th' same to the dead hero.

Watch Thyself.
It needs only a sincere mind,
To read the thoughts of men;
Even tho' one were stricken blind,
He'd have the knowledge then.
A closer watch upon ourselves,
'Twere well to keep each day;
Lest some in form of fairy elves,
Should lead us to betray.
