Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/449

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O teach me, sweet singer, your pure, artless song,
That I may your happiness share;
And forget in the joy of a rapture like them,
The phantoms of hope and despair!


The war-song and the battle-hymn
Their stirring notes have stilled;
That oft in valley, ghastly grim,
Brave soldier-hearts have thrilled.
Then wake a new and nobler strain,
And may it never cease;
A better song, a sweeter song,
The glorious song of Peace.

Within our country's broadest bound
Is seen no martialed host;
No wrathful cannon's roars resound
To quake from coast to coast.
No wounded soldier waits his end,
No captive his release;
No anxious, troubled guards defend
The blessed throne of Peace.

But Youth goes forth to fight and win,
Where no red sabers shine;
And Age rejoices that war's din
Jars not on life's decline.
And Love, whose heart-strings were her chains,
Smiles in war's long surcease;
Whose tears were blood, a princess reigns,
In all the realm of Peace.

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