Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/450

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In war—a country's hopes stagnate,
In war—her strong are slain.
In war—dark evils desecrate
Her council hall and fane.
In war—with wings of omen dark
Her wrongs and debts increase,
Prosperity and progress mark
The golden realm of Peace.

Then swell the chorus loud and long
'Till it reverberates,
Thanksgiving hymn and natal song,
Of our United States.
And be our nation's greatest boast,
O'er wrong and hate's decrease;
To louder swell from coast to coast,
The triumph song of Peace.


The years bring changes as they come
To every heart, to every home,
Though silently they seem to pass,
As Summer breezes through the grass,
Old haunts in time grow new and strange,
And old familiar faces change;
There is no earthly Eden fair
But time and change are busy there;
Yet is the despot, Time, defied,
By Heaven's best gifts to few denied;
Time cannot faithful friends estrange,
Nor bid sincere affection change.

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