Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/495

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Come where an angel kneels in prayer for the erring feet,
Whose voice is drowned by the noise that reels up from the drunken street;
Come where manhood and womanhood
Staunch through the dust of the fray have stood;
Thank God for the true and the good!


Perhaps God knew I was too frail to meet
Life's rough storm tossing or its scorching heat,
So He made smooth, quiet pathways for my feet,
Where dewy roses bloomed and birds sang sweet
Beside still waters, where rude tempests lull,
And even sorrow seemeth beautiful.

No fierce, wild joy is mine, no stormy woe,
Calmly He leads where quiet rivers flow;
This is my life to-day, I cannot know
How long 'twill last or why God wills it so;
In these green pastures, through these quiet days,
I'll tune my heart to incense sweet, and praise.

O loving kindness, broad, and deep, and wide!
O mercy, scattered free on every side!
O peace that every grief hath sanctified!
Thou, Thou art God and Thou for man hast died!

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