Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/496

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The night's pale queen her silvery sheen,
Has flung the waves across;
While 'round our boat in gleeful sport
The pretty wavelets toss;
Then splash, splash, dash, dash,
Ye merry oars at play!
Though shadows veil the distant sail,
'Tis moonlight on the bay.

The moonbeams fall on hut and hall,
And bathe the frowning cliff,
While shadows stalk 'round crag and rock,
As on our frail bark drifts;
Then splash, splash, dash, dash!
Gone is the twilight gray,
The splendor gilds the distant hills,
'Tis moonlight on the bay.

The island turf and beaten surf
Are steeped in mellow light,
Though day's proud king is journeying
Beyond the western height;
Then splash, splash, dash, dash,
Ye merry oars at play!
The night's pale queen has spread her sheen
Across the twilight bay.

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