Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/111

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THE Child, the Promised Child, is born!
"Glad tidings" to a world forlorn!
Celestial choirs in bright array
Descend to hail His natal day.

Oh, come and see the wondrous thing
Whereof the Christmas angels sing—
The Blessed Babe in Mary's arms,
With all a babe's endearing charms.

In unimagined splendors far
Beyond remotest sun or star
His throne uplifts, yet here He lies
In Bethlehem's stall, in mean disguise.

Angelic hosts that press unseen,
The questioning kine with instinct keen,
The wondering shepherds, all adore
The mystery foretold of yore.

Here is the Virgin undefiled;
Here Israel's Holy One, the Child,
Emmanuel, whom centuries
Have watched for with prophetic eyes.