Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/112

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His Name is Wonderful, we read,
The Counsellor in all our need,
The Mighty God, the Father great,
Created things to re-create.

And more, if more were possible,
The Prince of Peace His work shall tell
Who comes to conquer every foe
That human soul can ever know.

Yea, more—the Name that Gabriel gave—
He comes as Jesus, strong to save;
The matchless depth, the matchless height
Of Love revealed to mortal sight.

O weary one, whate'er thy name,
O penitent, whate'er thy shame,
O ardent soul, O mourner sad,
O youth, O childhood, strong and glad,

Art thou of high or low degree,
He comes, this Blessed Babe, to thee;
Receive Him, press Him to thy heart,
And in this cold world take His part!

In this cold world that doth but play,
Alas, at keeping Christmas Day!
Receive Him, press Him to thy heart,
And He in turn will take thy part!