Page:Poems May.djvu/28

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Maddalena's confession.
It seems not long, Jacopo, since we twain
Prayed, kneeling at one shrine, together sent
Our mated voices like paired larks to heaven,
Or, hand in hand, walked where the garden fountains
Cleft the grim lion mouths.
Cleft the grim lion mouths.Have patience, father!
For I am worn with fasting and much prayer,
And tears flow readily. How many days
Have I lain prostrate at the altar's foot,
The marble striking death into my heart,
Speaking no word, partaking of no food
Save water and the crust that gave me strength
To move my lips in prayer! How oft till morn,
My forehead pressed against His icy feet
Who hangs upon the cross, have I lain here
With but one grim companion. Even thou,
Symbol of death, gaunt prophet of the tomb,
That in thy cavernous eyes dost hold the night,
Glaring beside my rosary and missal!

Thou knowest well my father was a noble.
That he lived gayly, making his great wealth