Page:Poems May.djvu/29

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Maddalena's confession.
The slave of pleasure. I remember still
Revels where wine flowed free, and festal times
That filled our lone, vast palace by the sea
With guests and music. Then, at early twilight,
There ever came a young, bright girl who took
Me, the weak child, within her gentle hold,
Smiling so softly while my faint hands passed
Over the roses in her hair, the pearls
Clasped on her throat and round, pure, dewy arms.
Ginevra! oh, I loved to speak her name!
I loved my nurse to bear me to the window
Where, lying on her shoulder, I could mark
My sister's white robes floating through the trees,
My sister as she spake, or walked, or rode,
Great nobles at her side, who smiled and bent
Their plumed heads to catch her lightest word.

But this was for a season; many months
The palace was deserted. Then, alone,
We wandered freely through the vacant rooms,
I, and my nurse Giuseppa. She would pause
Sometimes by pictures of worn saints and martyrs,