Page:Poems May.djvu/305

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Scene from "le misanthrope".
If he that now caresses you, that swears
Friendship, good faith, zeal, tenderness, esteem,
That lifts heaven-high your praises, turns to give
As much to any rogue? There is no soul
Not wholly base, that does not scorn esteem
Thus prostitute. The richest banquet grows
A common feast, if all the world be there.
Esteem is built on preference. Who esteems
All esteems none. Since you approve and practise
These vices of the time, you shall no more
Walk in my fellowship, and I decline
The courtesy of him who cannot reckon
The shades of merit. I would be preferred,
And, to speak plain, the friend of all mankind
Is not a friend for me.


Is not a friend for me. Being of the world,
We pay the world that tribute which is due.


I say it should be chastised without mercy,