Page:Poems May.djvu/306

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scene from "le misanthrope".
This shameful trade of seeming friendships. Would
That men were men, and that at every season
Our -words were still the plummets of our hearts,
No matter who should speak, and that our thoughts
Had put aside their masks of painted flatteries!


There are occasions when sincerity
Would be ridiculous, nay, barely suffered,
And, sometimes, no offence to your quick honour,
'Tis well to hide the heart. Would it be fit
Or civil, think you, to a thousand people,
To say one's thoughts of them? To him I hate
Or who displeases me, shall I declare
The truth as it is?


The truth as it is? Yes.


The truth as it is? Yes. What, to Emily
Say it is unbecoming at her age