Page:Poems May.djvu/93

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Steep and rude was the perilous way,
Through loopholes square and small
The night looked into the turret gray,
And over the massive wall
In blocks of light the moonbeams lay,
But the changeful ghosts of the showering spray,
And the measured play of the waters dim
Rippled and glanced on the ceiling grim.

The moon looked into her sleeping eyes,
The night wind stirred her hair;
And wandering blindly, Juliette,
Close on the verge of the parapet,
Stood without in the open air.
Under the blue arch of the skies,
Save for the pacing sentinel.
Save for the ocean's constant swell,
  There seemed astir no earthly thing.
Below, the great waves rose and fell,
Scaling ever their craggy bound,
  But scarce a zephyr's dipping wing
Broke the silver crust of the sea beyond;