Page:Poems May.djvu/94

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  And in her life-like dream,
The maiden now had wandered on
  To the brink of a slender stream,
Then pausing, stayed her eager foot,
For with the brook's sweet monotone
Mingled the soft voice of a lute,
And where the level sunbeams played
Over the lap of a lawny glade,
A hound lay sleeping in the shade.

Rocked by the light waves to and fro,
Scarcely an arrow's flight from shore,
Her lover in his bark below
Paused, resting on the oar,
Watching the foam wreaths dash and fall
Like shattered stars from the castle wall.
As higher yet he raised his eyes,
Jesu! he started with affright;
For, painted on the midnight skies,
Seemed hovering in the tremulous light
A figure small, and angel white!