Page:Poems May.djvu/95

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Against the east lay far and dim,
Touched by the moon's uncertain ray,
The airy form, the turret grim.
Doubtful he paused a minute's space;
Then rowed towards the castle's base,
But checked his oar midway,
And gazing up at the parapet,
Shouted the one word, "Juliette!"

Lute, baying hound, and restless deep,
Each gave the clue bewildered thought
Had followed through the maze of sleep,
And, by her lulled ear faintly caught,
Her lover's voice its echo wrought.
She heard him call, she saw him stand
With smiling lip and beckoning hand,
And closer pressed, and, dreaming yet,
From the green margin of the stream,
From the steep verge of the parapet,
Sprang forward with a scream!
Then once again the deep bell tolled
Up in the turret gray and old,