Page:Poems Prescott.djvu/27

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As I cast it at your feet,
Sweet, indeed, but not too sweet,
Wondering illl you hear it beat,
Beat for you, and bleed for you,
In the dark, in the dew!

If I were a violet, a sweet, white violet,
Waiting for the sun and for the dew,
Struggling through the cold springtime,
Hard beset with cruel rime,
I should surely blow for you.

If I were a rose, love, a great red-hearted rose, love,
Blushing on my stem, as roses do,
After tedious, sad delays,
In the first, warm summer days,
I would sweeten life for you.

If I were a daisy, a golden-hearted daisy,
Shining in the field a season through,
With my petals you should spell,
That I love you, love you well.
With my whole heart only you!

If I were the white and morning star,
Shining where the lesser planets are,