Page:Poems Prescott.djvu/28

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I would light you through your dreams
With my fine and tender beams;
You should hear the song that ran
Through the earth when Peace began.

If I were a shell upon the shore
I would murmur strange and sweet sea-lore
Of fair mermaids that beguile
Poor sailors, mile on mile—
Of the ocean forests dim,
Where strange fishes float and swim.

If I were the new and yellow moon
I would grant your wishes soon, full soon;
I would borrow for your sake
Such splendor as would make
Constellations fade away
Like sad ghosts at break of day.

The day has smouldered in the west,
Each bird long since has found its nest;
But as for me, I am so blest
I can not give myself to rest,
Thinking, perforce, of only this—
So slight a thing—his melting kiss.

He paused just here, outside the door;
I thought to see his face no more;
My heart was aching to the core.
"Good-by"—he'd said it once before?
"Through good-bys many a life's undone."