Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/27

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Distrust meets no upbraiding,
All terror is allayed;
"Be of good cheer," He whispers,
"Tis I; be not afraid."
Hark! as the sweet assurance
Breaks gently on the ear,
Each sinking heart respondeth—
"'Tis He! be of good cheer."

'Tis He who cleansed the leper,
The Evil One cast out,
'Tis He who fed the hungry;
Ye loved ones, can ye doubt?
Who, 'neath the vault of heaven,
E'er yet the waters trod,
Or quenched their foaming fury,
Save Christ, the Son of God?

Ah! while on earth they wandered,
Those often weary men,
Forgat they e'er that whisper
That stole upon them then?
With every stormy breaker
The Master still was near;
His love upheld His weak ones—
"'Tis I; be of good cheer."

Son of Man! still sleepless,
When others toil or weep,