Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/28

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Thou, 'midst the wildest tempest,
Dost ceaseless vigil keep.
Come, Lord! our fourth watch waneth;
Come Thou—deliverance bring;
Of thy little band the Brother,
The Bridegroom, and the King.

Far o'er the world's wide waters
Thy open door is seen:
Thy dove, with white wings weary,
Prays Thee to take her in.
There's light upon the billow
As the wild blast sweepeth by;
We hear the heavenly message,
"Be not afraid, 'tis I."

Oh, chase away the shadows,
We long to see Thy face;
Each lonely hour hath brought us
Nearer to Thine embrace:
Come, Lord! We wait Thy coming;
With Thee is joy and light;
Sweet hope! soon, soon shall vanish
The fourth watch of our night.