Page:Poems Smith.djvu/30

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Cling together, you and I,—
Death will part us by and by:
'Tis not well that bitter strife
Should darken all the joys of life.

Cling together; while we stay
Let us for each other pray
All the griefs that rend the heart
From us forever may depart.

Cling together; then from home
We shall never wish to roam,
To find in other lands a rest,
United here we'll be so blest.

Cling together; soon we'll pass
Unto another life, alas!
Then let true love illume our way,
And cheer our hearts on each dark day.

Cling together; life is short.
Heart's true love can ne'er be bought,
'Tis a jewel bright and rare,—
Shining gold can not compare.