Page:Poems Smith.djvu/31

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Cling together; let us try
To live true lives as years roll by.
Let not this short and weary life
Be ever spent in bitter strife.

Cling together; we'll ask of God,
Ere we sleep beneath the sod;
None but He can heal our grief,—
Only God can bring relief.

Cling together while we live,—
So that God to us may give
A peaceful life until we flee
To a happier home in eternity.

Cling together; hearts with love
Will unite in heaven above:
For this we hope—for this we pray,
To meet again at the Great Day.

Cling together, though dark shadows
Lower around our pathway here;
There may be a brighter morrow
And every cloud shall disappear.

Cling together; we'll hope on ever
That true love's sun may shine again;
Ere our ties on earth we sever
Let each the other's love regain.