Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/199

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Sydney Harbour.
Thy beauty is an entity, coherent and endued
With more intricate essences than Nature ever brewed,
She truly made the lovely mould with cunning workman- ship,
But a potent spirit brims it unto its carven lip,
An individual presence that informs, as with a soul,
Thy vital harmonies, and makes of thee a perfect whole.

Thou art a consummated wish, a craving satisfied,
The heart is subject unto thee, and rises with thy tide,
Its hidden joys dance visibly thy rippling curves among
And through thine ocean gates into profundity are flung.

Thou art achievement, and to thee the sense of beauty kneels
As to a benediction, the lucid moon reveals
In confidential midnights thy secrets to the waves
That lisp in silver syllables against thy wind-swept eaves.

The clouds store up thy memory, and from the unquiet sea
Float in, like homing thoughts of peace to hover over thee,