Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/200

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Sydney Harbour.
Or, yearning as a lover yearns for the lips he once has kissed
They stoop and clasp thee in their arms of woven fog and mist.

The hours are all thy servitors, and bring at thy behest
Their opal flagons filled with wine to pledge the amorous west,
Or ringed with pearls of dawning, or shod with golden shoon
They open all the azure gates of morn and eve and noon.

And night's own wonder-blossoms, emerald, orange, red,
Upon the silky, sliding dark their glowing petals shed,
Roses of living ruby bud upon their shadowy boughs
And weave a glittering coronal for thine imperial brows.

And mapped, and embed, and fettered, and scored by myriad keels
Who measures thy capricious moods or thy decree repeals?
Thy thirsty spirit quaffs and quaffs from its great cup the sea
And brimming with the vital draught knows no satiety.
Thy giant heart deep pulsing through every emerald vein
Links thee to cosmic forces that never wax nor wane.