Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/20

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In the Surf.
"What would you be, you breathing mite, in such a grasp titanic,
Your very being overwhelmed in energies organic?
You with your immortal soul, housed in its crazy dwelling,
Your brain that weighs the stars the while its little hour is knelling.
Get you to the shallows there, go frolic with the bubbles,
They with you are truly kin, full of frothy troubles,
Shining in an amorous sun, full of moment's laughter
And vital force, then lost to sight, and after? after? after?

Are you, pray, allied to this great pendulum, that swinging
From life to death, from death to life its fated hour is bringing?
Or are you part of the Great Thought, that works unseen behind it,
And shall you through aeons to come evolve—oh! never mind it,
Turn you to the sun again, feel his touches tender,
Dance among the crested waves, glorying in their splendour,