Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/21

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In the Surf.
Take the great sea's briny kiss, like a lover loyal,
Though he'd slay you—just as soon! his sepulture is royal.

In his glittering ballroom come with me and dance a measure,
Where the wavelets run amok, delirious with pleasure.
Dive into this emerald cave, foam-flags wave about it,
Oh! the cruel, hurtling sea, I love it! love it! love it!

Here, on this broad divan your dainty skirts were spread,
Here is the dint made by your resting golden head,
And yet, they tell me, O! Heart's Darling you are dead.

The daffodils I sent you, undismayed,
Still stand like gallant sentinels arrayed
In golden armour, surely they would shed
Some of their beauty if another flower were dead.

Death! death! what is it? in this flower-filled room,
Fragrant with your late presence and the flawless bloom
Of living, soulless blossoms, can I stay my breath
And by my very will invade your realm of death?