Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/22

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Where are you, Darling? The importunate air
Vibrates with yearning, and incorporate I share
The mystery that surrounds you. Down the steep
Gold ladder of this sunbeam there shall sweep

Your naked soul, and clash against my own,
Our very essences like flames together blown,
And spirit into spirit fused in one ecstatic breath
We shall triumphantly o'erleap this carnal gulf of death.

T feel a tremor in my soul, it senses unseen things,
And from its chrysalis with pain puts forth imperious wings,
Wings well equipped for rarer airs, and finer altitudes
Where, at the very fount of life, no hint of death intrudes.

O! softer than terrestrial airs are these that round me blow,
More luminous than suns of earth these happy planets glow,
And, cleansed from its poor mortal scales my vision pierces clear
The limitless expanses of this radiant atmosphere.