Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/23

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And as a seed deep sown in earth brings forth a living flower,
My spirit bursts its husk of clay and wins its rightful power.
Not vainly were our souls transfused with an immortal breath,
And not in vain we test its power across this void of death.

Here are you, Darling, closer than the perfume to the rose,
Than its music to the harp-string your living presence grows
Into my being, and I feel, I know—O! God!—I see
Across the barriers of sense, and through its mystery.

Now may the empty world revolve, and clay reclaim its clay,
Now may the processes of time pursue their destined way,
For, like a flash that stabs the gloom when the storm is at its height,
My spirit in her agony has glimpsed a heavenly light,
No more am I the fettered slave of my humanity,
The secret of the Universe has been revealed to me.