Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/78

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Two Ways of Love.
How blind you women are!
If you will sow this wind, you'll surely reap
The whirlwind of destruction. Child! Be wise.
Confide in Phillip. Let me legally
Dissolve the marriage. Then your way is clear
To happiness. Not otherwise.

Adrienne—Oh, Heaven!
Tell Phillip? Drag the story out
To be a nine-days' wonder? Truly, you are mad!
When I am married I shall tell him all.
I would not stoop to so deceive my love,
The very soul of honour as he is.
When we are man and wife. I'll tell him all
And he shall with his gentle fingers heal
My aching scars——

Tom—Why! Adrienne!
It seems as if delirium spoke. Are you so young
And ignorant of men that you should think
They love like that? (Oh! but I am a brute
To stab her while she bares her breast to me,