Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/79

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Two Ways of Love.
And yet I must.) I know your Phillip, know
(How can I say so cruel-cold a thing?)
'Twould kill his love, I tell you—I, who know.

Alas! poor Tom, so ignorant of love,
You never dreamed in all your narrow good
Existence of the height, and depth, and breadth
Of such a love as ours. 'Twould kill it? why!
No thing that ever was conceived in thought
By any human brain could touch our love.

Men are not made like that.

And yet you loved!

'Tis meet to mock a love so poor as mine,
That lives and flourishes on its own death.
I am indeed a travesty of love,
But you shall hear, for once, my passion speak
That has so long been so ignobly dumb.
Always, since you were little, I had watched