Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/80

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Two Ways of Love.
The blossom of your life, and every day
Cared more, and as your beauty grew, it lit
A flame within me that shall never die.
I knew you were indifferent. Yet I dreamed—
All fools may dream—of teaching you some day
My way of love, and when the trouble came
My heart was burnt with pity and revenge.
Your Mother used the pity, the revenge
She would not let me taste, for fear it should
Reflect on her. Yet all men love revenge—
Why should they not? Instead of it I threw
My manhood in the gulf that threatened you,
And all in vain—ay! truly as you say,
A needless thing. Yet in my darkest hour
It has been like a muted chord of joy
Singing amid the emptiness of life,
And twice I went half way across the world
On the excuse of business just to see
If time would turn your tragic eyes to me.

Oh, Tom! I never guessed, I truly thought
It was to talk of legal things you came.
My heart was dead. I did not even know
That other hearts were living.