Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/117

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Teems on fever al Occafîons. 6j

Thou'lt fee that in Heart-merchandife, Value, not NumBer, makes the Price.

JV. Live to that Day, my Innocence Shall be my Friendfhip's juft Defence : For this is all the World can find, While thou wert Noble, I was Kind.

V. The defp'rate Game that thou doft play At private Ruins cannot flay > The horrid Treach'ry of that Face Will fure undo its native Place.

VI. Then let the Frenchmen never fear The Viftory while thou art there : For if Sins will call Judgments down, Thou haft enough to flock the Town.

To my Excellevt Lucafia, on our Frtendfhip.

I Did not live until this time Crown d my Felicity, When I could fay without a Crime, I am not thine, but Thee.

This Carcafs breath'd, and walk'd, and flept,

So that the World believ'd There was a Soul the Motions kept 5

But they were all deceived.

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