Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/118

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66 Toems on fever al Occajtons.

For as a Watch by Art is wound

To Motion, fuch was mine : But never had Orinda found

A Soul 'till fhe found thine 3

Which now infpires, cures and fupplies, And guides my darkned Breaft :

For thou art all that I can prize, My Joy, my Life, my Reft.

No Bridegroom's nor Crown-conquror's Mirth

To mine compar'd can be : They have but pieces of this Earth,

I've all the World in thee.

Then let our Flames ftill light and fhine,

And no falfe Fear controul, As innocent as our Deflgn,

Immortal as our Soul.

RofaniaV Trivate Marriage.

IT was a wife and kind Defign of Fate, That none fhould this day's Glory celebrate : For 'twere in vain to keep a Time which is Above the reach of all Solemnities. The greateft A&ions pafs without a Noife, And Tumults but prophane diviner Joys.

