Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/163

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My lords of Nordhausen, ahall ye be stunned
With Bonnding words? Behold the serpent's akin,
Sleek-shining, clear as sunlight; yet his tooth
Holds deadly poison. Even as the Jews
Did nail the Lord of heaven on the Cross,
So will they murder all his followers,
When once they have the might. Beware, be-ware!


So you are the accuser, my lord Schnetzen ?
Now I confees, before you I am guilty.
You are in all this presence, the one man
Whom any Jew hath wronged —and I that Jew.
Oh, my offence is grievous ; punish me
With the utmoat rigor of the law, for theft
And violence, whom ye deemed an honest man,
But leave my tribe unharmedI I yield my hands
Unto your chains, my body to your fires ;
Let one life serve for all.


You hear, my lords,
How the prevaricating villain shrinks
From the absolate trath, yet dares not front his Maker
With the full damnable lie hot on his lips.