Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/164

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Not thoa alone, my private foe, shalt die,
But all thy race. Thee had my vengeance reached,
Without appeal to Prince or citizen.
Silence ! my heart is cuirassed as my breast.


Bear with us, gracious lords ! My friend is - stunned.
He is an honest man. Even I, as 't were,
Am stupefied by this surprising news.
Yet, let me think — it seems it is not new,
This is an ancient, weU^remembered pain.
What, brother, came not one who prophesied
This should betide exactly as it doth ?
That was a shrewd old man! Your pardon, lords,
I think you know not just what you would do.
You say the Jews shall bum — shall burn you say;
Why, good my lords, the Jews are not a flock
Of gallows-birds, they are a colony
Of kindly, virtuous folk. Come home with me ;
I 'll show you happy hearths, glad roofs, pure lives.
Why, some of them are little quick-eyed boys.
Some, pretty, ungrown maidens — children's children
Of those who called me to the pastorate.
And some are beautiful tall girls, some, youths