Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/165

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Of marvellous promise, eome are old and sick,
Amongst them there be mothers, inEa,nts, brides,
Just like yonr Chriatian people, for aU the world.
Know ye what burning is ? Hath one of you
Scorched ever his soft flesh, or singed his beard,
His hair, bia eyebrows — felt the keen, fierce nip
Of the pungent flame — and raises not his voice
To stop this holocanst ? God I 't is too horrible !
Wake me, my friends, from this terriflc dream.


Courage, my brother. On our firmness hangs
The dignity of Israel. Sir Governor,
I have a secret word to speak with you.
Ye shall enjoy with me the jest. These knaves
Are apt to quick invention as in crime.
Speak out — I have no secrets from my peers.


My lord, what answer would you give your Christ
If peradventure, in this general doom
You sacrifice a Christian? Some strayed dove
Lost from your cote, among our vultures caged ?
Beware, for midst our virgins there is one
Owes kinship nor allegiance to our tribe.
For her dear sake be pitiful, my lords.
Have mercy on our women ! Spare at least