Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/166

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My daughter Lieblaid, she is none of mine !
She is a Christian !


Just as I foretold !
The wretches will forswear the sacred'st ties,
Cringing for life. Serpents, ye all shall die.
So wills the Landgrave ; so the coart affirms.
Your daughter shall be first, whose wanton arts
Have brought destruction on a princely house.


My lord, be moved. You kill your flesh and blood.
By Adonai I swear, your d3ring wife
Entrusted to these arms her child. 'T was I
Carried your infant from your burning home.
Lord Schnetzen, will you murder your own child?


Ha, excellent ! I was awaiting this.
Thou wilt inoculate our knightly veins
"With thy corrupted Jewish blood. Thou *lt foist
This adder on my bosom. Henry Schnetzen
Is no weak dupe, whom every lie may start.
Make ready, Jew, for death — and warn thy tribe.

SÜSSKIND (kneding).

Is there a God in heaven ? I who ne'er knelt