Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/167

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Until this hour to any man on earth,
Tyrant, before thee I abase myself.
If one red drop of human blood still flow
In thy congealed veins, if thou e'er have known
Touch of affection, the blind natural instinct
Of common kindred, even beasts partake,
Thou man of frozen stone, thou hollow statue,
Grant me one prayer, that thou wilt look on her.
Then shall the eyes of thy dead wife gaze back
From out the maiden's orbs, then shall voice
Within thine entrails, cry This is my child.


Enough! I pray you, my lord President,
End this unseemly scene. This wretched Jew
Would thruat& cackoo's egg within my nest.
I have had timely warning. Send the twain
Back to their poople, that the court's decree
Be published unto all


Lord Tettenborn!
Citizens! will you see this nameless crime
Brand the clean earth, blacken the crystal heaven?
Why, no man stirs ! God! with what thick strange fumes
Hast thon, o' the sudden, brutalized their sense?
Or am I mad? Is this already hell?