Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/162

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Poems on
With her I wander thro' the desart Way,
The Food of Wolves, or hungry Lions Prey.

Come, Rosalind, before the wint'ry Clouds
Frown o'er th' aërial Vault, and rush in Floods;
E'er raging Storms howl o'er the frozen Plains;
Thy Charms may suffer by the Storms or Rains.

Come, Rosalind, O come! then infant Flow'rs
Shall bloom and smile, and form their Charms by yours;
By you, the Lilly shall her White compose,
Your Blush shall add new Blushes to the Rose;
Each flow'ry Mead, and ev'ry Tree shall bud,
And fuller Honours cloath the youthful Wood.
