Page:Political Tracts.djvu/110

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This is all that was originally demanded. The expedition is diſavowed, and the iſland is reſtored. An injury is acknowledged by the reception of Lord Rochford’s paper, who twice mentions the word injury and twice the word ſatisfaction.

The Spaniards have ſtipulated that the grant of poſſeſſion ſhall not preclude the queſtion of prior right, a queſtion which we ſhall probably make no haſte to diſcuſs, and a right of which no formal reſignation was ever required. This reſerve has ſupplied matter for much clamour, and perhaps the Engliſh miniſtry would have been better pleaſed had the declaration been without it. But when we have obtained all that was aſked, why ſhould we complain that we have not more? When the poſſeſſion is conceded, where is the evil that the right, which that conceſſion ſuppoſes to be merely hypothetical, is referred to
