Page:Political Tracts.djvu/111

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the Greek Calends for a future diſquiſition? Were the Switzers leſs free or leſs ſecure, becauſe after their defection from the houſe of Auſtria they had never been declared independent before the treaty of Weſtphalia? Is the King of France leſs a ſovereign becauſe the King of England partakes his title?

If ſovereignty implies undiſputed right, ſcarce any prince is a ſovereign through his whole dominions; if ſovereignty conſiſts in this, that no ſuperiour is acknowledged, our King reigns at Port Egmont with ſovereign authority. Almoſt every new acquired territory is in ſome degree controvertible, and till the controverſy is decided, a term very difficult to be fixed, all that can be had is real poſſeſſion and actual dominion.

This ſurely is a ſufficient anſwer to the feudal gabble of a man who is every day
