Page:Political Tracts.djvu/206

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ſubordination, enacts laws or repeals them, erects or annuls judicatures, extends or contracts privileges, exempt itſelf from queſtion or control, and bounded only by phyſical neceſſity.

By this power, wherever it ſubſiſts, all legiſlation and juriſdiction is animated and maintained. From this all legal rights are emanations, which, whether equitably or not, may be legally recalled. It is not infallible, for it may do wrong; but it is irreſiſtible, for it can be reſiſted only by rebellion, by an act which makes it queſtionable what ſhall be thenceforward the ſupreme power.

An Engliſh Colony is a number of perſons, to whom the King grants a Charter permitting them to ſettle in ſome diſtant country, and enabling them to conſtitute a Corporation, enjoying ſuch powers as the Charter grants, to be adminiſtered in ſuch forms as the Charter preſcribes. As a
