Page:Political Tracts.djvu/207

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Corporation they make laws for themſelves, but as a Corporation ſubſiſting by a grant from higher authority, to the control of that authority they continue ſubject.

As men are placed at a greater diſtance from the Supreme Council of the kingdom, they muſt be intruded with ampler liberty of regulating their conduct by their own wiſdom. As they are more ſecluded from eaſy recourſe to national judicature, they muſt be more extenſively commiſſioned to paſs judgment on each other.

For this reaſon our more important and opulent Colonies ſee the appearance and feel the effect of a regular Legiſlature, which in ſome places has acted ſo long with unqueſtioned authority, that it has forgotten whence that authority was originally derived.
