Page:Political Tracts.djvu/208

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To their Charters the Colonies owe, like other corporations, their political exiſtence. The ſolemnities of legiſlation, the adminiſtration of juſtice, the ſecurity of property, are all beſtowed upon them by the royal grant. Without their Charter there would be no power among them, by which any law could be made, or duties enjoined, any debt recovered, or criminal puniſhed.

A Charter is a grant of certain powers or privileges given to a part of the community for the advantage of the whole, and is therefore liable by its nature to change or to revocation. Every act of Government aims at publick good. A Charter, which experience has ſhewn to be detrimental to the nation, is to be repealed; becauſe general proſperity muſt always be preferred to particular intereſt. If a Charter be uſed to evil purpoſes, it is forfeited, as the weapon is taken away which is injuriouſly employed.
