Page:Political Tracts.djvu/268

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of the pen have ſeldom any great ſkill in conquering kingdoms, but they have ſtrong inclination to give advice. I cannot forbear to wiſh, that this commotion may end without bloodſhed, and that the rebels may be ſubdued by terrour rather than by violence; and therefore recommend ſuch a force as may take away, not only the power, but the hope of reſiſtance, and by conquering without a battle, fave many from the ſword.

If their obſtinacy continues without actual hoſtilities, it may perhaps be mollified by turning out the ſoldiers to free quarters, forbidding any perſonal cruelty or hurt. It has been propoſed, that the ſlaves ſhould be ſet free, an act which ſurely the lovers of liberty cannot but commend. If they are furniſhed with firearms for defence, and utenſils for huſbandry, and ſettled in ſome ſimple form of government within the country, they may
