Page:Political Tracts.djvu/269

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be more grateful and honeſt than their maſters.

Far be it from any Engliſhman to thirſt for the blood of his fellow-ſubjects. Thoſe who moſt deſerve our reſentment are unhappily at leſs diſtance. The Americans, when the Stamp Act was firſt propoſed, undoubtedly diſliked it, as every nation diſlikes an impoſt; but they had no thought of refitting it, till they were encouraged and incited by European intelligence from men whom they thought their friends, but who were friends only to themſelves.

On the original contrivers of miſchief let an inſulted nation pour out its vengeance. With whatever deſign they have inflamed this pernicious conteſt, they are themſelves equally deteſtable: If they wiſh ſucceſs to the Colonies, they are traitors to this country, if they wiſh their defeat, they are traitors at once to America and England. To them and them only
