Page:Political Tracts.djvu/272

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in chains. Children fly from their own ſhadow, and rhetoricians are frighted by their own voices. Chains is undoubtedly a dreadful word; but perhaps the maſters of civil wiſdom may diſcover ſome gradations between chains and anarchy. Chains need not be put upon thoſe who will be reſtrained without them. This conteſt may end in the ſofter phraſe of Engliſh Superiority and American Obedience.

We are told, that the ſubjection of Americans may tend to the diminution of our own liberties: an event, which none but very perſpicacious politicians are able to foreſee. If ſlavery be thus fatally contagious, how is it that we hear the loudeſt yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?

But let us interrupt a while this dream of conqueſt, ſettlement, and ſupremacy. Let us remember that being to contend,
