Page:Political Tracts.djvu/273

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according to one orator, with three millions of Whigs, and according to another, with ninety thouſand patriots of Maſſachuſet’s Bay, we may poſſibly be checked in our career of reduction. We may be reduced to peace upon equal terms, or driven from the weſtern continent, and forbidden to violate a ſecond time the happy borders of the land of liberty. The time is now perhaps at hand, which Sir Thomas Brown predicted between jeſt and earneſt,

When America ſhall no more ſend out her treaſure,
But ſpend it at home In American pleaſure.

If we are allowed upon our defeat to ſtipulate conditions, I hope the treaty of Boſton will permit us to import into the confederated Cantons ſuch products as they do not raiſe, and ſuch manufactures as they do not make, and cannot buy cheaper from other nations, paying like others the appointed cuſtoms; that if an Engliſh ſhip
